Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Enjoy the Ride

Supercrew Alison, showing once again why she is called Supercrew Alison, recently gave me a t-shirt that states 'Enjoy the Ride'.  I have decided that this is going to be my motto in training and in that dirty hundy for as long as I can enjoy it;)

How cute is that?

Too often the scenery passes us by unnoticed while we are focused on the destination. I have been told that I need to be more focused in training and learn to suffer more. Apparently, if I do that, I will have better results and race day will be glorious. I say, I would rather enjoy 364 days and suffer 1 than the other way around. I want to make great memories in training that will carry me through those minutes of agony (okay- maybe hours is more like it!).  

Blooming cactus beside road today

Working with my new motto has given me a new found freedom. I am more willing to explore roads and routes, not always knowing how long I will be out and how hard the ride will be. In doing this I have seen some incredible views and sights. Of course, I do have my iphone for that backup ride home if need be - I am pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy a 10 hour ride right now!

Doing some exploring

While I was thinking about how simple it is to enjoy a bike ride today, I happened to meet two fellas who exemplified this. These guys started on their bikes in Davis California 11 days ago and have ridden down the coast. Today they were reaching their final destination in San Diego. They had managed to do the entire trip on no training, one of them stating 'I figured I would get in shape on the way'. They also spent no money to do it by couch surfing along the way. The touring bikes that they were riding with panniers cost them $150, once again proving it is not about the bike! I got to hear about their multiple adventures along the way and they were sad that their trip was ending. To celebrate all the miles, they were heading to Stone Brewery! Those boys know how to enjoy the ride and reward themselves! Could they have done the trip faster? Sure. Could they have ridden fancier bikes and stayed in better accommodations? Sure. Would they have enjoyed themselves more? Doubtful!

The journey is the reward!

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