Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Amusement Park

I should be tapering for my big Ironman race that is quickly approaching but instead I have been trying to find my way out of the amusement park I am lost in. Every time I think I have gotten off the roller coaster and am no longer going to plunge down to the bottom, I hear the click, click, click as the car crawls back to the top. (Okay, to be fair the clicking might just be coming from my ankles as I walk down the hallway). The way up is great, nice views, comfortable seating but that harrowing plunge back down to the bottom where my stomach leaps out is not fun.

First Coaster I Ever Rode

 When I finally manage to get myself off the roller coaster it is just to discover I have entered the fun zone and I am in front of trick mirrors. You know the kind that make you look 3 feet wider than you actually are and interpose a gut onto your flat six pack abdomen? Why do I never find myself in front of the magic mirror that takes 20 pounds of and proclaims me to be the fairest of them all?

This amusement park is not going to be called the happiest place on earth anytime soon but one thing I do know from actually riding roller coasters is it sure makes you happy to be back on stable ground. One might even say I'll look back on this with amusement:)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Perfect Day

Today was the perfect run day. Perfect weather, perfect conditions, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect. I'll let the pictures tell the story. Let's just say I felt like Cinderella at the ball, everything came together and it was magical.....

my glass slippers both made it home:)

Did I mention how perfect today was?- IT WAS PERFECT!

*disclaimer- could be the endorphins talking but it seemed perfect to me, maybe after looking at my photos you won't agree.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Journey

Every morning when I first open my eyes I am reminded what it is all about. My mom made this for me a few years ago and it is a great way to set my intention for everyday. It is all about the journey because frankly, we all end up at the same destination. Make sure you are following your own road and enjoying the trip.

I apologize for my lack of photographic skills.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Avoiding a Draught

At the start of this weekend I noticed that the levels in my resevoir had gotten dangerously low. So low that if there was a boat ramp it would not even have been close to being at waters edge. You would have had to drag your boat through sludge to get it launched and even then you might have hit bottom. Knowing that this a crucial time for me to avoid draught like conditions I responded quickly. First I closed the damn so that nothing more would escape and then I initiated a plan to get the water levels back up to an acceptable height. The first step was a water conservation plan and the second step will be to replenish, maybe a big snow melt run off?

Maybe Niagra can lend me some water?

This morning all signs pointed that the leak had been plugged and water levels had stabilized, maybe even increased slightly. Between now and May 5th I need to get that boat ramp back into the water because I am going to be dipping my bucket in  the well  many times that day. I would hate to come up dry or find stagnant murky water there. No, I would much rather have a waterfall coming over the edge of the damn when I line up for Ironman number 13. Today was a good start at replenishing when I did one of my runs and there were amazing flowers blooming everywhere. Hopefully, all the water I have used lately will allow me to bloom and I have avoided a draught.

Kiki's Kulinary 

 Salad with Flax Seed Croutons